I'm moving there. I feel that Blogger is not keeping up with the times, and that its functionality is very limited.
Updates stopped for this blog. Last post 20 August 2013.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Done with the
Turkey Shooter that's earned in the
Pilgrim's Bounty event in World of Warcraft. I managed to get the whole Pilgrim outfit as well.
posted @ 1:34 am
Monday, November 15, 2010
Welcome to Hell. Well, not really, but instead, its another installment of Finding The One, this time, its Rakion, as promised. I know, I know, I said Rakion would be done pretty quick, but I guess I can't really keep to schedules properly.
So, it was kind of my fantasy to be able to find and play a game that involved medieval combat. The medieval ages really interested me, and at one point I was going all crazy about archers and castles. Well, Rakion came along, as it's as close as it can get to fulfilling my fantasy.
Rakion features multiplayer combat in a third-person view, predominantly using close-combat weaponry. Basically, you use the mouse buttons to attack, using a different combination of clicks to come out with an attack combo. The whole concept is really solid and it could have been a really good game, but Softnyx decided to add a lot of trash in the game, and the servers are really empty now.
Swordsman, blacksmith, mage, archer and ninja. These are the five classes available for play in the game.
Swordsmen have balanced stats, and they're pretty much the jack of all trades, master of none. They don't hit that hard, they aren't exceptionally fast, and well, they're pretty much average in everything they do. I'm pretty much okay with this class. I don't like it, neither do I hate it. Being a master of none made this class pretty boring, in my opinion. There's no real move that you can execute that really brings out the "feel" of the class. Most of their attacks hit for average damage as well, so I can't feel that "ouch" for the enemy after executing a combo on them. However, being a jack of all trades pretty much meant that I could play in any way I like, since I wasn't losing out on anything if I decided to walk a different path.
Ah, the blacksmith. This was the class I decided to pick for my main character. The blacksmith is a hard hitter with lots of health and armour. He hits really hard. Everytime he picks up that sledgehammer and bashes it into someones delicate torso, you'd know that he definitely took a real beating from that. Unfortunately, he's one big and slow guy. Having the largest hitbox out of all the classes, its not too easy to miss a large target like the blacksmith. Even then, having the most health and armour helped to prevent you from dying too quickly. Once mastered, you'll learn that you should only strike when you know that you'll hit. Against a skilled player, a miss is just asking for a guaranteed beating. I loved this class so much. Even his ranged attacks hurt like hell. The blacksmith throws axes at people in ranged mode. I have to admit, its not easy throwing that axe around. It flies like how you'd expect an axe to fly - up, then down. But when it hits someone, ooh damn it hurts.

The mage. I loved the mage as much as my blacksmith. Small and cute, he wields power you wouldn't believe. His characteristics are rather similar to the blacksmith. He hits really hard, and he's one slow fella. Unfortunately, the mage can't afford being hit too much, he's pretty fragile. He is able to heal himself and other teammates though. On a one on one battle, the mage is not easy to play. A miss is definitely more fatal than if the blacksmith misses - the amount of time the mage leaves himself open after an attack is more than the blacksmith.
I haven't mentioned chaos mode have I? After five kills, you get to transform to chaos mode, which is a souped up version of your class. You get a new set of moves, and your attacks do a lot more damage in chaos mode. Of course, there's a time limit to chaos mode, so use it wisely.
The chaos mode for mages owns. It kicks ass. It unleashes a fury so scary you'd poop your pants everytime you see it.
Meh, the archer. Everytime I try to play archers, I end up using her dagger. For some reason I can never shoot properly. Maybe its because I have to take into account the time of flight of the arrow, maybe its the 50ms lag, maybe its because I can't do those kind of "1 shot, 1 hit" thing. I can't hit moving targets as a sniper in FPSes, and I can't do it as an archer. So, the archer is way out.
I had a love-hate relationship with my ninja. The ninja was the very first character I tried, and I started out throwing shurikens that tickle. The ninja hit for very little as well, and I soon came to realise that the ninja is only strongest when they wait for an opening to attack. The ninja specialises in grip attacks - three to four combos that can only be performed on a player that isn't moving at all. That usually happens after the player attacks. With enough attack speed added, the ninja is able to perform a stun-grip, which is basically attacking with quick 1-hit attacks in rapid succession, so that the enemy is "locked" in place due to their need to express the "ow". That leaves the enemy available for a grip attack by the ninja. This is how the ninja typically plays, and I have to admit, I'm not very good at that. Maybe its because I haven't added enough attack speed to be able to pull of a stun-grip, but I've seen ninjas of lower level that are able to pull it off, so its just me. I suck at ninjas, though I suck at them less than an archer.
Alright. I honestly think this was a badly written installment of Finding The One. I felt pretty off balance while writing this. Maybe its because I lost of blogging fingertips after so long, or maybe because I lost that vibe for Rakion.
This is going to be the last Finding The One article. I said that I would do Lord of The Rings Online, Dungeons & Dragons Online and Runes of Magic, but I don't think I'm able to do an article for those MMOs since I haven't played them enough to really understand every single class in depth. AdiĆ³s.
posted @ 9:48 pm