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I'm moving there. I feel that Blogger is not keeping up with the times, and that its functionality is very limited.

Updates stopped for this blog. Last post 20 August 2013.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Reasons I should make a druid:
  1. It can fill all four roles in PvE (tank, healer, melee DPS, ranged DPS).
  2. Swift Flight Form is just plain awesome.
  3. Shapeshifting is cool.
  4. Druids use leather armour, and I believe the demand for leather equipment is the lowest. Who sees rogues in raids nowadays? Druids are in low numbers in a raid as well.
  5. Druid tanking is easier to master, IMO.
Reasons why I shouldn't make a druid:
  1. Gearscore is a bitch.
  2. Do I really want to spend my limited time during the weekends, wasting hours waiting for a raid to start, only to watch it end in utter disgrace?
  3. A guild would prevent that, but I'm a weekend player.
  4. I still have other games to play, and Lord of The Rings Online is becoming free-to-play soon, although comments aren't positive about it's free-to-play model. 
  5. Druid healing is as mundane as shaman healing.

posted @ 9:52 pm

Thursday, July 08, 2010

You know what really grinds my gears? People asking me why I'm so quiet.

I really don't get why people never fail to ask me this. Do you ask your friend standing next to you why he's so damn noisy? Why not ask him, "why can't you ever shut up?" In fact, why don't ask every single person you see some sort of question that can't really be answered with a solid reply? Why are you so tall? Why are you so fat? Why is your hair so curly? Why are you always so sleepy? Why do you always eat so fast? Gosh.


And that's what really grinds my gears.

posted @ 11:03 pm

Wednesday, July 07, 2010

posted @ 8:25 pm

Monday, July 05, 2010

Greetings. It has been a long time since I've posted something of true worth. There's been many times where my weekend was stolen from me because I had to live in the damn jungle. Anyway, I've decided to make a series concerning MMOs. However, this isn't some sort of guide or whatsoever. Its simply my experiences I've had with the games that I've played and put more effort into, and the troubles I've had finding the class that I truly love to play. I'll be touching on a few games, and those games will be World of Warcraft, Guild Wars, Runes of Magic, Dungeons and Dragons Online, Rakion, and Lord of The Rings Online. This list might not be definitive though, I might decide to add or remove some games from that list. As you can see from the title, I'm going to start with World of Warcraft, and it'll most likely be the longest post.

Warrior. Paladin. Hunter. Mage. Warlock. Rogue. Priest. Shaman. Druid. Death Knight.

You want to know why I love playing WoW? Well, one reason is the story. The lore of the Warcraft universe has, in my opinion, been a deep and well-developed one, and after Warcraft III, I've been a great fan. Reading novels, playing WoW, reading Know Your Lore from WoW.com and WoWwiki has broadened my my knowledge, and the story is still unfinished. Anyway the other reason is that I feel that the classes are just so diverse and unique. 10 classes, and all of them are special in their own way.

How many games really have classes like the shaman, being a jack-of-all-trades, placing totems around, reincarnating and turning into a ghost wolf? How about the druid, with its shapeshifting abilities. Death grip, conjuring food, draining souls, creating portals, summoning allies, auras, stances, the list goes on. What makes me like WoW classes so much is that these spells are just so damn hard to find in another game. Most MMOs create spells and skills that are generic damage and buff spells, with almost nothing else in consideration. Its unique spells like these that make life interesting.

Well, the very first time I played WoW, I started with the Burning Crusade about 4 years ago. I made a mage in WoWgasm, a private server. I played till I was level 40, until a foul server rollback had to devour my mage. I ended up making a priest the next time, leveling him up to 70, after which he participated in a Black Temple raid. I fought Illidan, who wasn't scripted with skills, so it was good practise for my priest. Back in BC, healers actually had to manage their mana and learn when to use their skills to heal effectively. I managed to win the Crystal Spire of Karabor, and that was more or less the end of one phase of my WoW career. I took a break from WoW.

Soon after I started to play WoW again. I went to WoWscape, the biggest and most populated private server then (its now closed). I made a priest, and it went on to be one of my most developed characters in the Burning Crusade. But when I say "most developed", it is really barely enough to contribute much to endgame raids like Black Temple. What to know why? I also made a paladin, warlock, mage, shaman, warrior and hunter. All of them reached level 70, with the exception of my warrior who made it to the lower 60s.
You see, I've never really been able to stick to one character. I'm an altoholic, and everytime I logged in, I was bound to play a different character. Each class just had something so appealing to me.

 The priest gave me a feeling of playing God, saving people and shielding them from damage. Shiny, holy and sparkly outfits also appealed a lot to me. The playstyle of a holy priest was also fun and challenging, deciding when to use a specific heal so as to use mana efficiently (people actually alternated between flash heal and greater heal then).

The warlock appealed to me because of his wide arsenal of DoTs. DoTs appeal a lot to me as it is a form of damage that can catch people off guard, since the incoming damage isn't immediately visible. DoTs also offer the warlock a lot of mobility, since quite a few of them are instant cast spells.

The paladin appealed to me because, well, I said before that I like shiny, holy and sparkly things. Being in plate armour is also cool, and taking less damage is a plus.

The shaman appealed to me due to its jack-of-all-trades nature. Also, who doesn't like windfury weapon? The idea of buffing myself, throwing a lightning bolt, going up close for battle and then healing myself felt really great, and being able to wear mail armour meant that I could take a beating without much problem. At that time, I really thought that the shaman was the class for me. But alas, when I started raiding, the DPS rotation was boring, and healing involved spamming chain heal with little variation in between. So I decided, nope, shaman isn't my class.

I made a mage when the private test server (PTR) was launched to test Wrath of The Lich King on WoWscape. I really like the mage because it is one of the few classes with a huge range of abilities that provide a lot of utility. Teleport, blink, slow fall, conjure food and mana gems, evocation, polymorph and invisibility are just some of the cool spells that they have. However, I never did continue to play a mage because I find that DPSing on a mage is really boring. In fact, its as boring as the shaman.

The hunter is another class that I like because of its utilities. Increased run speed, traps, stings, aspects and pets make the life of a hunter much more interesting than other classes out there. However, I never seemed to be able to sustain my mana whenever the battle is long. I know that's why we have aspect of the viper, but I go out of mana in less than a minute right after I fill my mana right up. I'm just a nub at playing hunter.

I had a lot of fun with my warrior one he hit the 50s or so. My warrior was a killing machine at that time, dropping foe after foe, charging at the next target immediately after I've looted the corpse of the one I'd just slain. My warrior required hardly any rest, keeping his rage up all the time. I really enjoyed playing the warrior, but at that time, I was more or less getting sick of WoW, since that was one of my most intensive phases of WoW with 7 classes active. Because of that, I never leveled a warrior to the maximum level. In fact, I feel like leveling a warrior right now. It might even interest me more than my priest in the future. But then again, thinking of the raid opportunities, I'm going to have a really hard time getting into a raid unless I'm a tank.

Well then soon after, WoWscape got into dire trouble and MagicWoW was born. WoTLK was added along with it, and I had to start anew. There, I made only 4 characters. A level 80 priest, shaman and death knight, and a level 62 hunter (did that to activate death knight, who was on the Horde side while my priest and shaman were Alliance). However, only my priest and shaman are well-geared (above 4000 gearscore, pre-Ulduar). Now, the priest is the only character that I focus on. I am sick of shaman gameplay in raids, and my death knight is too hard to gear up due to the raid requirements imposed by the idiots in the server. Hunter? Told you I suck at them.

My WoW career most likely ends here. I don't know if I'll bother to continue playing into Icecrown Citadel and Cataclysm, but I'll keep in touch with the unfolding of events. Lord of The Rings Online is going to be free to play soon, and that's a pretty darn good MMORPG. I recently played one day of the LoTRO trial, and the main storyline is definitely immersive and good to follow. I plan to be a tanker in LoTRO to complete my playing of the MMORPG holy trinity (DPS, healer, tanker), but somehow I have this feeling that I'll end up playing a healer again. Or maybe I could play something similar to the WoW warrior, it should be fun.
Well, that's the end of the post for WoW, and the next few posts for other games will definitely be a lot shorter than this, since I played the other MMOs a lot less than WoW.

Next up, Guild Wars. Hmmm, it might actually be equally long.

posted @ 6:06 pm

Sunday, July 04, 2010

Happy Independence Day

posted @ 12:00 am


[BE88] bloodelves88
The Strategist
I came, I saw, I conquered


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