I'm moving there. I feel that Blogger is not keeping up with the times, and that its functionality is very limited.
Updates stopped for this blog. Last post 20 August 2013.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Here's another story. I wrote this in Secondary 3, the theme being "Silence". Pertaining to the theme, I think is this better written than the "That's Hot" story, but I feel that this story is kind of broken, in the sense that it is rather riduculous. Still, its one of the better stories I wrote in my school days, so I'm posting it here.
Screams of fear and panic shot across the bank. The towering masked man used me as a human shield, advancing slowly towards the safe deposit boxes. With a firm grip around me, I could not detect any sense of fear in him. Calm and composed, this robber was clearly a veteran. The bank guards were already shot dead, immaculately aimed at the heart. The customers and other staff squatted down in various corners, with their trembling hands on their head, some breaking out in cold sweat. Faces were pale, people were praying, and some were crying.
The gleaming gold bars were being pushed into bags like candy bars. As the robber made his escape, still using me as a shield, he shot randomly at no particular target. Shots rang out directly beside my ear, and a sudden sharp pain seared through my ear. Total silence.
I was freed from hostage, and other people scrambled frantically out of the bank, off to a safer place. Telephone calls were made, both to the police and also to loved ones.
An odd feeling of peace and tranquil went through me. Everything was so silent, the hectic sounds of rushing footsteps, discussions, and the sound of paper shuffling about, they were all gone.
People were starting to notice me, as I had not moved since I was set free. I just stood there, enjoying the golden treasure we had all been neglecting in our busy lives, that being silence.
Lips were moving, concerned faces looked at me. At that moment, I just blurted out, "I can't hear anymore."
At the same time, I realised that my ear was still throbbing with pain. As if the pain suddenly came fifteen minutes later, I suddenly clutched hold of my hear, jumping around in agony. I could see the familiar red and white lights of the ambulance being reflected off the polished marble surface of the wall.
The doctor wrote to me that I will not be able to hear for the rest of my life. I accepted that fact, not with a heavy heart but with eagerness to live my other half of my life in golden silence.
Though one of my bodily senses has been lost, I have become a much happier person. Of course, I have to lip-read a lot of derogatory remarks, but whenever I want peace from the busy lives we all live, as well as the evil words that pour out of peoples' mouths, all I have to to do is, close my eyes.
posted @ 3:22 pm
Monday, September 21, 2009
H1 GP: B (Moderated to A)
Paper 1: 33/50
Paper 2: 33.5/50
Overall: 66.5/100
Just goes to show that my GP teacher just has a problem with my English. Either that, or he's being truthful about them being really lenient. After all, my summary improved from 1/8 to 8/8.
H2 Math: D (Moderated to C)
Paper 1: 68/100
Paper 2: 39/100
Overall: 53.5/100
Sigh. Damn the giant difference in difficulty of the two papers. Oh, why do you deny me of my B? And statistics in paper 2 supposed to be easy. I fear for my math, for it gives such mixed results.
H2 Physics: A
Paper 1: 28/40
Paper 2: 36/60
Paper 3: 64/80
Overall: 71.1/100
Another paper which is heavier on the explanations rather than the mathematics. Explanations helped me own the Secondary 4 prelims, and it did again here. Hope the A-levels is the same.
H2 Chemistry: C (Moderated to B)
Paper 1: 24/40
Paper 2: 40/60
Paper 3: 36/80
Overall: 55.5/100
Why does Chemistry never fail to be the bane of my existence? What did I ever do to you? What am I to do? Should have just taken H1 Chemistry.
H1 Geography: B (Moderated to A)
Paper 1: 67/100
Overall: 67/100
Pretty damn sure I could have gotten an A for this. I mean, like seriously, 3 marks? That's easy to get, for Geography at least. I blame it on the fact that I didn't read or practice at all for answering lithological questions. Bet I missed out a lot of marking points that I know.
posted @ 8:42 pm
Thursday, September 17, 2009
I found this essay hidden in the depths of my hard drive while I was preparing to back up stuff (music, pictures, documents). Its an essay I wrote in Secondary 3, the theme being "That's Hot". I don't really want to put it in my backups, so I think I'll just dump it here. Good way to update this blog anyway. Brings back good times too. The days of creativity. Well, its all gone now, and I hope it'll be back in the years to come.
A Krypton-ni-tic Day
“Taking of in T-minus 10…9…8…7…6…5…4…3…2…1… we have take-off!”
I was in a space shuttle in the year 4382, feeling the strength of the acceleration. Any loose skin was pushed backwards, and I felt it difficult to even lift my hands and legs. It felt similar to the takeoff of an airplane, but the force of the acceleration was much greater. I had won a trip from NASA to travel to a mystery destination. After a relatively intimidating takeoff, the space shuttle became so stable that one would not even know that the shuttle was moving at all. The seatbelt sign turned off, but still feeling afraid and uncertain, I decided to stay put.
An astronaut came into the guest room. He had long curly hair that covered his ears. “You feeling ok?” I nodded.
“I’m Johnny.”
“So I guess that you are feeling afraid and uneasy now? Its amazing alone that you didn’t feel nauseous during the takeoff. So don’t worry, you’re doing well. Just relax, have some coffee and enjoy the view outside.”
As Johnny left, I unbuckled my tightly secured seatbelt, and paced around the guest room. “Enjoy the view outside” I said to myself. “Its all black outside.”
Taking in the items in the room, I noticed everything in the room was hooked down onto the wall or floor. Other then that, it looked as normal as a house would look like on Earth. Oddly, it was feeling warmer in the room, the temperature gradually increasing. The velvety blackness outside gradually became brighter.
A hollow knock came. It was Johnny again. “Hi, I guess you’re enjoying the view? Anyway, we’re reaching our mystery destination. I know it’s really warm, but you’ll have to wear this. Its NASA’s latest technology, Kryptonite Protector™. It protects the wearer from any extreme temperatures.”
As I took the crimson red suit from his hands, the weight of the suit surprised me. It felt as light as the total weight of a normal T-shirt and shorts. Getting ready to wear the suit, I messed around with the clips and zips, figuring out how to wear the suit. Fumbling, I finally wore the suit, helmet included.
A sudden rocking of the shuttle shocked me, causing my heart to start racing. “We’re here.” A bead of sweat tricked down my helmet visor.
Standing behind the door of the space shuttle, I wondered where could we be. A silent hiss came from the door, emitting smoke as the door was lowered down. An endless land of fire stood before me. “Are we in hell?”
Trying to keep in laughter, Johnny and his team of astronauts, Jack and Kyle, said in unison “no, we’re on the Sun.”
My heart almost came out of my mouth. “What? That’s not possible. No one has ever been near the sun before, let alone think of walking on it.”
“Well, there’s always a first for everything, and the four of us, are the first men on the Sun.”
I never felt so much exhilaration in my life before. I stepped onto the sun, amazed at everything. Amazed at how the Sun looks, amazed at how the Kryptonite Protector™ is able to block off all the heat from the Sun, amazed at out the helmet visor is able to shield the eyes from such intense light. As I was outside, I realized that the space shuttle was in the same crimson red as the suit I was wearing.
After ten minutes, I actually felt a little bored on the Sun. There was nothing on the Sun, except fire, the space shuttle and the three astronauts, who were in a circle fiddling with the ground. Curious, I walked towards the astronauts, and saw them digging up the land of the sun, putting it in a red container.
“Alright, lets go back,” said Johnny.
As we all went back into the space shuttle, I went back to the guest room to have a cup of mocha while the astronauts went back to the bridge. Sitting on a chair, I closed my eyes and took in all the images of the Sun, and thought of all the fascinating things that happened.
“So how did you like it? Is it a great feeling to be on a space shuttle, to walk on the Sun?”
“Of course. It’s a pity we didn’t take some photographs though.”
“That’s not possible yet. The Sun is too bright for the camera to take any photographs. The picture would just turn out white. Anyway, I’ll leave you alone till we land on Earth. Here’s a souvenir, a part of the Sun.”
As I rested on the chair and looked out of the window, my eyes slowly closed.
A sudden jolt woke me up. Outside, there were trees and plants, and a crowd of people surrounding the space shuttle. They seemed to be cheering for us. I took off my Kryptonite Protector™, and rushed outside the room. Johnny and his team were waiting for me at the main door. The door hissed familiarly.
The New York Times, 26
th July 4382, a group of three astronauts and a lucky prizewinner were the first men to walk on the Sun. This is an amazing discovery made by the NASA team, and the team kept it a secret till now. An interview about the prizewinner reveals that he “never expected this to happen, nor expected that humans would be able to walk on the Sun so early.” He also stated that he received a part of the Sun as a souvenir, kept in a technology the NASA calls the “Kryptonite Protector™.” This discovery would definitely be crucial to the advancement of mankind.
posted @ 6:52 pm
Monday, September 07, 2009
Asians.We study very hard,and we work really hard.We have no lives, we have small eyes.I made a rhyme, so give me a dime.-bloodelves88
I thought of that while travelling in the car this afternoon. Lol. It just came to me. Spent like 10 seconds to make it up.
I ranted a lot about my WoW experience with my priest in the previous post, and I'm going to rant even more now. Why the hell does the whole world roll on cloth? Holy paladins, restoration shamans, restoration druids and elemental shamans. Fine, maybe I'm exaggerating my experience, but I've seen a lot of such classes wear cloth items, even though I've never seen them roll on it. My patience just ran thin when I saw a restoration druid roll and win two pieces of cloth gear. My cries of a ninja went unheard, so I left. Pretty sadly, there wasn't a lack of healers in that raid, so my departure shouldn't have made much difference. By the way, I went through about 5+ raids, killed about 10 bosses, and I've only won 2 items. Considering I roll on 3 items per boss, I've only won 2 out of 30 items that I've rolled on. When things like that happen to you, you get pissed. You get annoyed. You feel like giving up. I rerolled.
Initially I made a hunter, this time on the Horde. Hunters have a rather low population on the server, and only two classes need DPS mail gear (if plate users don't roll on mail, that is). Then while leveling, I suddenly felt like playing a Death Knight, and playing it would also complete my experience with all the 10 classes of WoW. So far, being a Death Knight has been rather enjoyable in terms of its DPS and burst damage, thought its gameplay might be rather dull. I hit level 80 about 3 hours ago, and I still got a lot of reputation grinding to do.
I bet this stupid ninja crap wouldn't exist on retail servers. Or maybe it still does, on PUGs at least. So damn hard to find a guild which does raids. Even then, there's ninjas in the guild because the guild is just there for game's sake, and not there to be a "close-knitted community which has fun together".
I feel like I'm rambling meaningless posts nowadays. Bet WoW is the cause.
Lets go on to PSP games. That'll make my posts happier and livelier. I got the game "Me And My Katamari" a few days ago, and I completed it in 2 days. It isn't a very long or complex game, but it is a fun game. Basically, you have to help animals make islands according to what they want, whether its a hard island, a fast island, a cool island, etc. You're then sent off with a katamari to collect stuff to make that island, and you collect stuff by rolling that katamari around. You'll start off with a small katamari, about a few centimetres large. You start off in a house, then you roll around collecting stuff that is left around the house. Such stuff include pencils, books, food, insects, pins, nails, screws, hammers, and all other sorts of rubbish that humans have in their house. As you go around collecting stuff, your katamari gets bigger and bigger, and you'll be able to collect larger items. Eventually, you'll end up outside the house, where you get to collect items that are a few metres large. Soon, you'll get so big that you can collect humans, vehicles, houses, UFOs, planes, clouds, trees, ships, islands, volcanos, and gods (approximately 3500 metres large). When you collect buildings and humans, you'll hear people screaming and stuff, so its pretty funny. It does get repetitive since you're doing the same thing all the time, but its still brainless fun nonetheless.
Initially, I got Warriors Orochi 2 before I got Me And My Katamari. However, Warriors Orochi 2 couldn't work because it kept hanging at the start menu. Here's some information about what's going on with PSP games.. PSP games are starting to become more pirate-unfriendly, by forcing you to have the latest firmware before you can play, as well as detecting for custom firmware on a PSP. Quite a number of new games are already giving problems for those with custom firmware. I really wonder what's going to happen to the homebrew scene if this goes on. Also, multiplayer access is denied to those who do not have the latest firmware, and if you're up to date with the homebrew scene, you'll know that custom firmwares have not been released very regularly since 5.00 m33-6. And this includes being able to buy items from the online store. Pure stupidity Sony, pure stupidity. As if disallowing pirates from going on multiplayer is going to stop them from pirating. You just lost a lot of direct download revenue.
Anyway, Warriors Orochi 2 now works. I just had to delete the save data for Warriors Orochi 1. Kind of sad though, because I had some heroes in Warriors Orochi 1 that owned.
posted @ 11:51 pm
Tuesday, September 01, 2009
I don't have a lot of school this week, since its just one hour fifteen minutes of MCQ tomorrow, and Teachers' Day celebrations on Friday. That gives me a lot of time to play a bit. Haven't played so much since the first quarter of this year. Anyway, I hit level 80 on my priest last Saturday. So far, the Wrath of The Lich King (WoTLK) experience really sucks since there isn't really much of a raid progression, at least for private servers. 90% of raids being made are for Naxxramas, and most of the leaders don't allow players in "green gear" to join. Took a while of grinding for reputation with the WoTLK factions to buy non-green gear, as well as buying one or two items from the auction house. I finally eliminated myself of any green items yesterday, so I really hope my experience will improve. However, the mobs in this private server are rather well scripted, and they usually do what the retail mobs would do. This results in a lot of wipes. Sigh. Noobs/n00bs/nibs/nabs.
Oh yeah, I said I was going to raid as a shadow priest right? I decided to scrap that idea. The amount of bugs that plague the shadow priest will cause my DPS to drop too much. Besides, people ask for healers all the time. I might do some DPS once in a while when 3.2 arrives.
The Burning Crusade was so much better. Who doesn't miss Karazhan? Anyone?
Anyway, take a look at this:

Want to know what's the big deal? Well, look at the next screenshot.

Ah well. Just my luck to have such a mice arrive when my trap still sucks.
posted @ 6:07 pm