I'm moving there. I feel that Blogger is not keeping up with the times, and that its functionality is very limited.
Updates stopped for this blog. Last post 20 August 2013.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Here's a picture of a dustbin whose plastic covering has melted.

Absolute randomness. Makes life interesting. Especially when you tell someone that there's a Thieves' Guild in school. Too bad all people do is stare at me in a funny way like I'm some sort of a complete retard.
Anyway, I've stopped playing EVE Online. One day after I blogged about how its difficulty is making the game feel like work, it didn't feel like work anymore. It felt normal, natural, and it flows with the game. Great, problem solved. But now I feel that there isn't really much to do in EVE Online. After reading some chat on the rookie channel, I realised that the things players like about EVE Online is exactly what I don't want in an MMORPG. People were saying that they love playing EVE because they can work and play at the same time, mainly because there is a lot of waiting time and maybe being AFK often. People also said that 90% of the game is based on PvP, and I don't want that. I'm fine with PvP, I like having fights once in a while, but I don't want a game that's so heavily dependent on PvP.
Well, I've also started using Opera (its a web browser), simply because Firefox was starting to act up and become screwy with me. Sometimes pop-up windows wouldn't open, and sometimes the addons don't work after I launch Firefox. Firefox also freezes on my computer once in a while, usually when I open a resource heavy website (but that's due to my crappy laptap). I've tried reinstalling Firefox, restarted my computer after that and deleted the folder completely, but not much improvements. The speed and smoothness increased a lot though. Over two years of crap collected in Firefox must have slowed it down substantially. I have to say that Opera isn't a bad browser, definitely (and obviously) better than Internet Explorer. All I'll say is that I'm happy with Opera, and I'll most likely stick with it for some time.
I've also started playing Left 4 Dead (like finally). I got the game a few weeks after it was launched, but I only started playing it last Saturday. Initially it was freaky and disturbing, as I'm not really used to hordes of zombies charging at me, or Smokers suddenly grabbing me from nowhere. It got fun after a while though. Completed the No Mercy campaign. Dual pistols and shotgun FTW.
posted @ 4:26 pm
Friday, January 23, 2009
No idea why, but life in school this year seems less crappy than last year.
Anyway, I've started playing EVE Online, using the trial from Steam, which gives 21 days instead of the usual 14. Reading about EVE Online has always made me quite curious about it, especially with news like "player operated bank loses 80 billion ISK due to embezzlement". The high learning curve has been interesting too, after all, how hard can an MMO get?
So far, my experience has been fine in EVE Online, but I can't say that I'm totally enthralled or dying to continue playing it. I don't know why, but I'm just having that sort of feeling where I don't feel like playing it. It could be due to the fact that I don't find the science/space theme very interesting, or maybe even the difficulty of the game. Playing it feels like work. I want a game where I can just get in, and enjoy myself for 3-4 hours without thinking too much. I don't want to rip my brains out trying to figure out what to do next, or figure out what I should do with my ship.
Somehow, the challenge I get from EVE Online doesn't feel fun or demanding, it feels tiring. Sure, I'd love a challenge in an RTS/FPS/games like Patapon or Loco Roco, but that love for a challenge doesn't appear in EVE Online.
Well, I might play EVE Online a bit more, just to absorb and experience more of the game, but I don't think I'll be going back to it after that. Its not my game.
I've also started playing Caesar 4. About 5-8 years ago I remember that I had lots of fun playing Caesar 3, especially the way how the town has to grow. The city needs water, healthcare, protection, and you have to build industries as well. Raw materials need to be harvested, and then transported to factories to be refined into useful items. Industries can't be built too near to residential areas, as the desirability of the area will plummet. Very well made and the whole system is designed with thought.
Caesar 4 didn't really bring me that feeling of fun I had with Caesar 3 though. Maybe its the same with how some people think Red Alert 3 sucks compared to Red Alert 2. The nostalgic feeling didn't seem to be present anymore. Also, I think they added some unnecessary things into the game, making it more draggy and slower paced.
Peace. (Felt like saying that, no idea why. Never used such slangs before).
posted @ 4:42 pm
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Well the 7
th day of school is over, and so far it isn't really bad. Work is fine so far, and it isn't too overwhelming. Obviously it won't stay like that for long, but I'll enjoy the free time I'm getting for now.
Sometime during school I just had a thought. Apparently it coincides with the GP comprehension passage my class just did. Should I stop getting irritated with the people in school? The work, the overly zealous attitudes and other stuff as well? Generally speaking, I believe most people are like that because they want a good future and stuff, get into a good university and get a good job. Given a choice, I believe they wouldn't really care much. Of course, there is an eccentric group of people who would want to continue.
Also, my youth is ending. The school system of living will end in less than 10 months for me. I never really liked the way such schools operate, But I wouldn't be seeing new people each year after that, and I won't be looking at people do crazy stuff like throw people into dustbins.
Sure, going to a university and working gives me classes to interact with, but unfortunately, most people in their twenties seem to lose that kind of vigour and life that teenagers possess. I mean, they don't have to go around doing stunts, but I have this odd dread feeling that life after university (maybe even during) will be too serious and boring. Until now, I still love to do immature things. It makes life fun and interesting. Immaturity brings fun into a serious and solemn period of time. A mature person has to find a proper and usual place to have fun. For example, find a computer to play games on, or travel to the park to play some outdoor sports. In short, they need a fixed place. With immaturity, the environment becomes a playground. Of course, I don't go too far with my immaturity, I avoid things like vandalism and stuff. Just plain fun.
What does adulthood hold for me? Stress? Bills? Acting like you're not interested in what the youth are doing, and you really feel like joining them? What if I decide to do something fun 10 years from now, and people will stare at me like I'm a complete retard, while someone 10 years younger just gets a disapproving look? I won't be forgiven for a wrong/odd deed just because I'm not a teenager anymore, right?
How ironic. 2 posts ago I was just ranting about how I can't wait for the next 3 years of life to end. Now I'm wishing that time will stop.
And if I starting typing posts with more and more complex words, its maybe because I'm trying to get used to writing like that, since I need it for GP.
Oh, and congratulations to Obama. Hope you're having fun in the White House.
posted @ 10:17 pm
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Well, look what Jagex (Runescape company) sent to my e-mail. They sent it to, I believe, everyone in their database, and all their e-mails went with it.

I stopped after 3 screenshots on a 1400x1050 resolution. I guess I could have taken 50 more.
posted @ 4:00 pm
Friday, January 09, 2009
Its 9 January and school's starting on 12 January. Bleh.
Why do I have to go back to agony?
Why do I have to have a class where it is a definite thing that I will hear people talking about university science and philosophy
- EVERY SINGLE - #@$^ing day?
Why do I seem to be surrounded by at least 1000 people who seem disgustingly interested in the sciences, getting a stupid science scholarship ("oh look I'm wearing a dumb white laboratory
costume and I'm working in A*STAR"), and are somehow (and possibly hypocritically) interested to help old people and earn CIP hours?
Why am I forced to write dumb GP essays that make absolutely no sense to me? Ok maybe they do make a little sense. Hardly though.
Seriously, I don't give a freaking damn about why some odd chemical that I'll never see, touch, smell, has a higher boiling point or whatever other crap. Go rot in hell you stupid embodiment of Satan. Science is evil. Look at the Earth now. I bet people were much happier in the medieval ages and beyond. People had lives running in the meadows, riding a horse, drinking ale in a tavern and maybe getting involved in a brawl. Children run around freely without a care in the world, and adults work in the farms or sell their goods, earning just enough to live happily, day after day. We're all freakin' robots working our asses off now. Oh, and have you heard? PM Lee wants more elderly people to continue working. Maybe we'll see more old people cleaning the toilet, and cleaning up tables in the food court. Sweet. Old people in the past most likely sit in a rocking chair by the open field, watching a sunrise, and smoking his pipe, making rings of smoke float up beautifully into the air.
The first day of the second year of the possibly worst two years of my life is imminent. What I shall do:
Study hard, get a grade of at least all B's + some A's (another retarded piece of crap, because that's only a little over average.), then I'm out of this forsaken abyss of doom. I hope I can shove this damned memory of 2008-2009 somewhere in a mysterious trash bin in the back of my head.
I've supposedly joined the worst CCA ever made in this school too. Lets see... what have I learnt from the CCA in 2008... nothing. No, I'm serious. Nothing. All we do every week is, sit down in an air-conditioned classroom or computer lab, then we just talk a lot of crap (which I don't do because they just talk about studies/grades/exams/you know what else), or surf the net mindlessly. I will quit if the CCA isn't just going to last for another 6 months, but it is, for JC2 at least.
After that there's two more years of more crap, but at least I don't think there's any retards there. They'll most likely chat about life instead of scholarly topics.
And I'm pretty sure game designers don't talk about scholarly topics as well. At most, it'll be about how freshly slain people die realistically, or how they'll fly when they're blown up. Good riddance.
posted @ 9:05 pm
Thursday, January 01, 2009
posted @ 12:00 am