I'm moving there. I feel that Blogger is not keeping up with the times, and that its functionality is very limited.
Updates stopped for this blog. Last post 20 August 2013.
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Yesterday was Fun-O-Rama. I reached there 20 minutes earlier than the majority of other people, and the first interesting thing I saw was this.

If you are wondering what's that (probably because my camera phone sucks), its a cow being roasted. The cow rotates on the stick, by the way. The first two pictures are of the cow when it is still being cooked. The last picture has parts of it cut off, by the people in black in the background.
I had to work in the games stall for my first shift, and it was rather embarrassing. The aim of the game is to drive a remote controlled car through a track and park it in 3 parking lots. Watching the children hopelessly trying to get into the parking lot just makes me feel so stupid. I was expecting one of them to just start crying or give up any time.
Well, when my shift was over, it was time to spend all my coupons. Bought 1 cup of ice cream, then walked around to look for more stuff to buy. Then I bought a donut, and a plate of cheese fries. The cheese fries were all soggy and gross, so I went to my class and offered it to them. Managed to clear less than 5 fries. Ah well.
Throughout the day I continued to buy more stuff to eat. I bought a root beer float, 2 scoops of ice cream, 1 cup of gelato, some Thai crackers. Ice cream overload.
I went to play most of the games, avoiding games where I have to kick because I can't kick. I threw balls into holes, threw darts at balloons, threw darts at targets, threw frisbees into holes, threw CDs into holes (and threw 1 CD accidentally at the guy operating the stall), slid cups across a table to specific locations on the table, shot cans with a gun, threw stones into a basin with a target and water in it, dropped coins into water and hopelessly watch the coins spin away from the target, threw hats and wonder why they keep sliding off the coconut when it supposed to land and cover it, threw empty drink cans into holes, threw those sticky figures which supposed to stick onto the wall and make their way down into boxes, put a ball on 2 sticks and let the ball drop off the stick into cups, threw hangers which supposed to hang on strings, watched a magic show which was pretty bad (went there to sit and enjoy the air-con actually), and I can't remember anymore. That has to be the longest sentence I've ever made.
So, after playing all that, I got a lot of prizes. Unfortunately, no big prizes. I won 6 soft toys, a pack of 12 colour pencils, 1 pencil, 1 pen, about 50+ sweets, about 10 snacks (those small Twisties sized snacks), a metal water bottle, a big pack of cornflakes, 2 cans of drinks, and a notepad. I think that's all I won, don't know if I left out anything. Unfortunately I had 60 bucks left to spend after all that. Gave 20 bucks to some people I know, and I still had 40 bucks. Now I know what it feels like to have too much money.
I wanted to spend my time playing Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core, but I ended playing all the funfair games. Ah well. Stupid fat block in my pocket for 12+ hours.
Time spent in school: 7am to 7:40pm.
posted @ 5:33 pm
Friday, March 28, 2008
I just did this quiz. Results are pretty weird. Ah well.
You scored as English/Journalism/Comm You should strongly consider majoring (or minoring) in Communication, English, Film, Journalism, Literature, or Writing.
It is possible that the best major for you is your 2nd, 3rd, or even 5th listed category, so be sure to consider ALL majors in your OTHER high scoring categories (below). You may score high in a category you didnt think you would--it is possible that a great major for you is something you once dismissed as not for you. The right major for you will be something 1) you love and enjoy and 2) are really great at it.
Consider adding a minor or double majoring to make yourself standout and to combine your interests.
English/Journalism/Comm | | 63% | Biology/Chemistry/Geology | | 44% | Religion/Theology | | 38% | Visual&PerformingArts | | 38% | Physics/Engineering/Computer | | 38% | HR/BusinessManagement | | 31% | PoliticalScience/Philosophy | | 31% | Nursing/AthleticTraining/Health | | 31% | Psychology/Sociology | | 31% | Education/Counseling | | 25% | History/Anthropology/LiberalArts | | 25% | French/Spanish/OtherLanguage | | 25% | Accounting/Finance/Marketing | | 19% | Mathematics/Statistics | | 19% |
posted @ 8:13 pm
Sunday, March 23, 2008
posted @ 10:20 pm
Saturday, March 22, 2008
There's nothing much to blog about, as usual.
I've been feeling a little crappy the past week. School is crap, learning things that I don't really need. Well, I might need Physics, and maybe Math. The Math I really need is just O-level Math actually.
Lots of things to do now. Study, learn programming, do game reviews, and play games.
The Syphon Filter review is coming "soon". No idea when, don't feel like doing a review yet.
I tried the Safari browser recently, and I have to say that it is a lot faster than Firefox. It loads pages a lot faster. However, it looks really ugly, and it is not customizable. No custom skins to get rid of Safari's ugliness, no important addons like Ad-Block.
I've also just completed God of War: Chains of Olympus on PSP. Amazingly short game, but its pretty good. Completed it in about 5 hours and 35 minutes or so. I didn't really like the story though, pretty boring.
posted @ 5:11 pm
Friday, March 21, 2008
Happy Good Friday!

Sounds wrong, but since they call it good, I guess I can call it happy.
posted @ 8:38 pm
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
This is my 100th post. Random.
I've got my hands on the latest expansion of the Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War series, Dawn of War - Soulstorm. I read some player reviews about the game, and there seem to be a lot of bugs in the game. I've played about 5 matches so far, and I haven't encountered any bugs. Bleh, I always don't encounter any bugs, unless its one of those free Korean MMORPGs, or unless the bug is really obvious or frequent.
Anyway, I have a feeling that the Dawn of War series is going to fail pretty soon. Maybe they're working too much on Warhammer Online, but the campaign for Soulstorm is not a campaign anymore. Its a skirmish battle, one after another. There is hardly any change in the way the campaign works when compared to Dark Crusade, and the worst part is that they added more territories to conquer. I read this statement somewhere: "skirmish orgy".
Anyway, there are now 9 races to play with. Which RTS gives you that many races to play with? Amazingly, the game isn't horribly imbalanced. Its not easy having 9 races in a RTS, and they're doing kind of a good job.
I've completed Syphon Filter: Logan's Shadow. Amazing and great game. If you have a PSP, this is a title not to be missed. Guess what? IGN gave it higher scores than God of War: Chains of Olympus. I'll be doing a review on Syphon Filter: Logan's Shadow some time later. I still haven't got my hands on God of War yet, hopefully I'll get it soon. I'm definitely going to try Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror as well. Its the prequel to Logan's Shadow.
I had a class outing with 1SB2 yesterday. Only the people who were in PAE 1SB2. Went to Sentosa. Played some ball games and card games. Some people tried to dunk someone else into the sea, and got clawed (or nailed). Threw sand at people, got bored watching others playing a card game I don't know how to play. Busy killing ants who kept crawling on me when I sit on the grass, and I got a headache.
Went for lunch, then went to explore
Toys Я Us (yes the R is supposed to be like that, go see the logo), played with a lot of toys there, pretty interesting, the toys now. There was this Elmo toy which is really funny. I posted a video below. Then we went to Daiso to look at the silly stuff they sold. The girls in former 1SB2 class are really crazy, keep laughing for no reason. Headache and sleepiness made me forget almost everything I did yesterday. Then we all went home. The End.
Crazy Elmo which costs $99
posted @ 9:58 pm
Thursday, March 06, 2008
So I'm in 1SB3. Just one class away from my previous class, 1SB2. First impression of the class? I hate it. But well, I had the same first impression for 1SB2, so I guess things will settle down and hopefully I'll find things much better in the class.
Somehow I managed to spend about 20 minutes or so in 1SB2 during their contact time, and I really have to say that the new 1SB2 is not at all like the 1SB2 I was in. Only 8 people remained in 1SB2, sad.
So far, I'm enjoying Geography a lot more than Economics. More technical terms and new stuff, but overall I find the questions easier and the concepts easier to understand... rather than stuff like consumer goods/capital goods, PPC and all that crap.
I spent the last 2 days in the school library reading Garfield comics. I read finish two whole books, which has about 3 to 4 years worth of comic strips (its a compilation of the daily comics you see in the newspapers). What I've noticed is that the Garfield comics of the past are a lot funnier than the comics of the present. Jim Davis is losing his humour or something.
Yesterday I got so pissed with the lag on my laptop that I did something one shouldn't do if one cares about the health of the computer. I pulled the plug. The laptop was just trying to load stuff, it practically didn't move for like 1 or 2 minutes, and I just pulled the plug out. Woooooo. One day I'm going to flip my laptop off the table.
Lots of games are coming out this month, its going to be busy.
4 March: God of War (PSP),
5 March: Dawn of War: Soulstorm (PC)
24 March: Command & Conquer 3: Kane's Wrath (PC)
25 March: Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII (PSP)
8 April: Assassin's Creed (PC)
20 May: Age of Conan (PC)
Summer 2008: Battlefield Heroes (PC)
7 September: Spore (PC)
Graphical Calculators, the legal gameboy in schools.
posted @ 8:23 pm
Saturday, March 01, 2008
I just realised that most of my previous posts is about random stuff, games or gadgets. Its time to blog about my life. That's what keeps a reader interested anyway.
I'll start from... orientation 2.
A lot of Fairsians joined ACJC for 2nd intake. When they entered the hall, it was like some kind of squad. To be honest, I wasn't delighted or anything, I didn't really like the people who joined. Some guy in my class also hated all the 2nd intake people, and he kept complaining about Fairfield ah bengs (dyed hair, long hair).
I changed my Economics to Geography, I think you should already know that if you've been reading my blog. So far the only reason why I regret changing subjects is because I'll change class. For some reason there's a class mass conversation on MSN everyday at 9pm. Most of the time its about random stuff which is pretty funny. This is also where I start discovering all the stupid little bugs of MSN Messenger. It might have been caused by MSN Plus, who knows.
As usual, I found the orientation crappy. Crappy songs, crappy cheers, crappy food, crappy people, crappy icebreaker games. The dance and the campfire are the only 2 things that I find fun in orientation. Well actually the cheers aren't that bad, it gets boring and crappy when you have to shout it out 394710186 times.
Then its lecture only week. I was looking forward to this because its really slacky and there's no datelines for homework. It turns out to be really boring because there are 3 hour+ breaks, and my OG is all broken up so I'm just this lone soul wandering around school, occasionally playing with my PSP which has boring games that can't immerse me for that long.
I'll be getting my new class in a few days time, hope its as good or better than 1SB2. Better not be like my OG.
posted @ 10:06 pm