I'm moving there. I feel that Blogger is not keeping up with the times, and that its functionality is very limited.
Updates stopped for this blog. Last post 20 August 2013.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
English - A2
E-Math - A1
A-Math - B4 (unmoderated C5)
Biology - A1
Chemistry - A1
Physics - A1 (Top in level ^^)
Combined Humanities - B3 (unmoderated B4)
L1R5 - 9
posted @ 6:37 pm
Monday, September 17, 2007
Call of Duty 2
With hardly anything to do after the prelims (I decided to have a week's break before doing TYSes) due to the major lack of games during this period of time, I decided to give Call of Duty 2 a go. I've heard a lot about the game, I played the demo about 2 years ago, and I know its a really good game. How could I not have played it?
This game takes place in the World War II period. You get to play through the lives of four different people from 3 different countries, Russia, USA, and Britian. Of course you're fighting against the German Nazis. The game isn't very long (I completed it in 10 hours), but its sure to leave a very deep impression on you. The single player mission also comes with many black and white videos and pictures about World War II. These videos and pictures are real, and are rather interesting to whoever is interested.
You'll be playing through the lives of a person together with a squad, with one or two people in the squad who will be with you all the way through the war. You'll be given a lot of orders from the squad leader or the main commander in charge who's never in the battle.
You'll really come to appreciate your squad due to the brilliant AI. Grenade in sight? Your squad shouts out a warning. Snipers around or any other potential dangers? Your squad tells you where the danger is very specifically. Of course the AI fumbles once in a while, but that actually adds a little to the realism. Humans make mistakes don't they? Privates really get themselves killed very often. They don't run when a grenade is right behind them, and you get to watch them fly up right before your very eyes.
The health system is something new to the Call of Duty series. There isn't a health bar at all. Whenever you are dying, just don't get shot for a period of time and you will be back in top form. This actually makes the game very easy to play, as you don't have to worry much about your health. Of course, you won't be able to take in a whole load of shots from an MG42 (machine gun) or a grenade.
When you get hit from something really devastating, like when you hide behind a wall and a tank blasts away the wall, you will drift off to some sort of a near-death experience. Everything starts slowing down, everything you see appears fuzzy, movement becomes slow and limited, and you will lay prone on the ground no matter what. The first and second time I had that experience, I really felt that sense of fear and sadness that the men of World War II felt.
A little spoilers here.
Another experience is the mission of Pointe du Hoc. The moment you get off the ship and step onto the beach, you get hit. That near-death experience comes to you, but it seems scripted. You lie on the beach, helplessly watching your comrades all run pass you. Some of them get shot as they run, falling before your very eyes. Looking upwards towards the sky, a friendly face looks at you. You suddenly start moving backwards, most likely dragged to safety by that friendly face you just saw. You see another injured comrade being carried by another comrade. They get shot right in front of you. Your near-death experience is disappearing. You are standing upright now, and you are face to face with that friendly face. He pats you on the back, and he gives you a nice, warm, smile.
End of little spoiler.
Playing normal difficulty, I realise the Germans can't throw grenades very well. When you hide behind some cover, they always throw the grenades right in front of the cover, resulting in the explosion being blocked off and not hitting me. One thing I really hate is that the Germans take cover way too much. I don't blame them for trying to survive, but it is irritating. My patience for waiting for them to come out so I can kill them disappeared when I was into my 5th mission or so. I just charged in like Rambo after that. Health regenerates anyway.
The graphics are pretty good for a game that's two years old, but I didn't play to the maximum settings. Whenever the whole area is flooded with smoke the sound just kept repeating itself. You'll see much German graffiti scribbled on the walls of places here and there, who knows what they mean? The game isn't very gory, blood can only be seen when someone gets shot.
The sound is good. Voice acting is convincing and the direction of sounds can be heard easily. I still remember an amusing scene due to the voice acting. I won't say much.
Overall, this game really brings you right into the heart of the game, and it will really engage you as much as possible. The gameplay is near perfect, the graphics are good, and the sound is great. Chances are also high that you will start to understand and sympathise with the suffering the Allied soldiers and innocent people went through.
Call of Duty 2 Trailer (1:33)
Sound: 9.3
Gameplay: 9
Lasting Appeal: 9
Overall: 9.6
posted @ 7:54 pm
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Chemistry Paper 1 MCQ and Physics Practical just ended. Chemistry was ok, hope I get 35/40. I have to say doing the TYS for all the MCQs helped a little, maybe just 2 or 3 questions only. Not sure if that's worth the work.
Physics practical is gross. So far I've never met anyone who could see both pins. The closest I could get to having both pin heads facing each other is by having both eyes open, which is wrong because the instructions said to close one eye. By closing 1 eye, the best I could get is half a pin with a pinhead, and another half of the other pin without the pinhead. Well, I just did the trick where you view an object from afar.
Lining up before the practical was lol. Register number 23-30 or somewhere around there all had Crumpler bags, so we all sat in 1 row, bags all on the same side. Quite nice actually.

Yummy yummy snails! Nah not really. They taste interesting and great the first time you try it, then on the second time, they don't really interest you anymore.
posted @ 4:37 pm
Thursday, September 06, 2007
I went to the Grand Cathay on Tuesday to watch Ratatouille. I've never been a person who disliked cartoons or a person who says it for kids or its stupid. So while everyone goes around saying Finding Nemo, Monsters Inc., blah blah is stupid, I just wonder to myself why. There's nothing wrong with them. They all have a wonderful storyline, they're all wonderfully voiced, they're all beautifully animated and designed. Its not like they really treat the watchers like they're kids, it just holds back on the violence and crudeness.
Anyway, Ratatouille isn't at all like any other previous animations made. We all know that Ong Sor Fern gives really strict reviews on movies. It got a 5/5 from her. Does it really deserve it? I have to say, yes. There's never a long and boring part in the show. Every second keeps you hooked and engaged on the show. Its really funny too. If you haven't watched this yet, go watch it. Its worth it. I won't say anything more.
After the movie, we (there are 3 of us) were deciding whether to play LAN or go play board games at Mind Cafe. When we reached Mind Cafe, it hadn't opened yet so we went to look at the games the LAN shops had. The variety of games is bad and we decided to wait another 15 minutes for Mind Cafe to open. Then there was this bunch of preschool kids waiting outside Mind Cafe, and apparently there's a "company event from 2-6" and we can't play.
LAN is a waste of money in my opinion, but heck. We decided on playing Battlefield 2142, but the guy manning the shop lied to us about having the game. So we had to play Counter Strike 1.6. First, the keyboard on my computer couldn't seem to make me run diagonally. So I had to walk one direction at a time. I got owned as a result. Then I changed computers. But we decided to play a sniping map. Sniping is my worst aspect of FPS games, so I got owned again. I have no idea how sniping in Counter Strike works, I shoot my enemy right in the torso (the red dot right smack in him) more than 10 times and he doesn't die.
I guess Soldier of Fortune 2 is still my forte. I can snipe with an AK-74 (not 47) there. The damage guns do in Half-life 2 is practically non-existent, and the bullet spread in Counter Strike is nuts no matter what I do (shoot and hold, shoot in bursts). I own with a shotgun though.
Then I saw some really cheap computers at Carrefour. I expected computers at that kind of specifications to be at least $2000. But wow, Intel Dual Core 1.8 GHz, 1GB RAM (bad), and some GeForce card with 1GB Turbocache, 100+GB HDD Acer laptop at $1300? Looks like there's hope for me.
Here's a good insight on Assassin's Creed.
posted @ 10:01 pm
Monday, September 03, 2007
I found this game called Assassin's Creed which is coming out by the end of this year. Its so cool. It looks like my laptop won't be able to handle it though.
Anyway, I made 2 signatures out of the game. The more I make signatures uglier it looks... for some odd reason.

posted @ 11:39 am