I'm moving there. I feel that Blogger is not keeping up with the times, and that its functionality is very limited.
Updates stopped for this blog. Last post 20 August 2013.
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Hitman: Blood Money
And so I have completed Hitman: Blood Money. The gameplay hasn't changed much, Agent 47 still talks to the ICA through his tiny laptop to receive his missions. Agent 47 still remains a cold-blooded silent assassin, killing anyone who interferes with him or is involved with him. In one scene he kills a postman after he delivers a letter to him, face to face. In this instalment of Hitman, a new system, the notoriety system, is implemented. I never really got to experience the notoriety system, because I played the easiest level in the game, where that system is disabled. I usually go for the normal difficulty, but there were limited saves in the normal difficulty. 7 saves maximum. If there were unlimited saves, I would have played the normal level. The hardest difficulty is just crazy. No saves allowed at all. What on earth are they thinking? We have to play the whole game straight through?
Actually, the point of this game is to play it like an assassin, killing people silently, then taking their clothes and hiding the body. However, I didn't really do that for 80% of the missions. I just looked for a choke point, attract the guards or people who will be a threat, then start killing all of them. Generally in most missions, no guards survived at all. I became a killer on a rampage, killing everyone who interfered. Some stupid innocent civilians decided to play hero and took the guns left on the floor by dead guards and started shooting me. They ended up dead, of course. When I first found out that civilians can attack me with guns, I learned not to leave any guns on the floor, or anyone who came near a gun alive.
The ending was pretty interesting. Diana, the woman whom 47 has been receiving missions and information from, entered his hideout. 47 trusted her, so he let down his guard. Diana forced an injection in his back. 47 "died". There was this man, who was going all out to catch and kill 47. When Diana killed 47, she earned his trust. Diana, that man and a news reporter all went to 47's funeral. In the movie scene, Diana placed 2 Silverballers (a handgun) on 47's chest, right above his neatly placed hands. Diana was also seen preparing some sort of tube, which I believe she put into 47's mouth. When the movie scene ended, it was the credits. However, I could still look around with the camera. Pressing A and D (left and right) made 47's health increase, and 47 rises from the dead. Everyone in the church was all surprised and it was a fierce battle. Had to kill everyone in that mission, including that man who wanted 47 dead and that news reporter. Its one of the most interesting endings I've ever seen.
There's even more proof that I need a new graphics card. Any setting above "low" in Hitman: Blood Money results in odd colours in the game. Everything is yellow-whitish, with patches of blue here and there. Just give the gaming industry 1 more year and my graphics card won't be able to handle the latest games any more. When will I have a new graphics card? Looks like another 5 years or so.
Hitman: Blood Money Trailer (1:34)
Graphics: 8
Sound: 8
Gameplay: 7
Lasting appeal: 8
Overall: 8
posted @ 12:18 pm
Friday, December 15, 2006
Hello! I haven't blogged for some time for the same old reason, there's nothing happening. This'll be a short post, but it doesn't matter, does it? As you can see I've changed the picture on my blog. I've found out how to do so, while retaining the layout, colour and design of the skin. I've decided to do so because:
1. It allows me to put any picture I want.
2. Its hard to find a skin design that I like.
3. Blog skins related to games are rare. Most blog skins out there are more for girls, or its too plain, or I hate the colour, or its too claustrophobic.
So as you can see there's a huge advantage to being able to do this. From now on, you'll be seeing a lot of picture changes, maybe once a week. Have fun.
posted @ 8:39 pm
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Hello... I've been blogging a lot on what I've been playing and whether they're good or not, and also about all those renders and signatures I've been making. I guess its time for me to blog about whats happening and what I'm doing in my life huh? I'll be catching up on what has happened for the past month.
Alright, nothing much has actually happened, except that I've stayed at home in front of my laptop for about 10 hours a day. Lol. I've started to do my homework, and I'm getting really pissed with it. Anyway, all the homework should be done one week before school starts. I've also learnt a lot about Photoshop, and its just amazing what it can do. Its a magical tool. Maybe I can be a graphic designer or something like that when I grow up :)
When I went to King Albert Park yesterday, I met Sophia... Sophia Lim. Someone from secondary 1. I actually forgot her name when I saw her, but well, eventually I remembered it. She's quite cute actually :P I saw her brother too. He's quite tall, should be 1.8m.
By the way, I'm the squad leader of my squad, but I don't want to be one. No idea how they actually choose who to give a leadership position to. They give someone who doesn't do much and can easily be called a slacker, two leadership positions: squad leader and the assistant in-charge for uniform portfolio. Its like, why me? I don't even have LDC 1 and they give me these.
Anyway, other then that, nothing much has actually happened, except that I have been glued to the laptop almost everyday.
posted @ 10:08 am
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Since making renders and signatures are rather easy, I'll actually be posting quite a lot of them here. Now I've made an Agent Smith render. Here it is.

(click for bigger image)
Obviously, after a render, I'll have a go at making a signature. Didn't turn out very well, but its still pretty fine.

(click for bigger image)
posted @ 8:54 pm
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
After seeing all those people at Planet Rakion make such nice signatures, I decided to try to make one myself. But first, I needed to know how to make a render. A render is a cut out of something or someone from a original image. All the help I needed were easily found on the net, with many tutorials made by helpful people. I have to say my first ever render is really good, if not, then its perfect. Here it is.

Cool huh? The quality here is bad due to its JPG format and after going through resizing.
(click for bigger image)
I cut out that spellbreaker from this picture

(click for bigger image)
After making a render, I needed to know how to make a signature. So a tutorial was easily found and I started to make one. And another... and another... and I have made four signatures. I put it put on Planet Rakion and I have received pretty good feedback about it. Anyway, here they are, the top one being my first and bottom one my last.

(click for bigger image)
Here is another render that I made.

(click for bigger image)
And here are the signatures that come with it. Its just the colour difference, and I think the second one is better.

(click for bigger image)
posted @ 11:33 am
Friday, December 01, 2006
Grand Theft Auto 3
Well, because I needed a game which will last a decent amount of time, I decided to get Grand Theft Auto 3 (GTA 3). I was pretty disappointed to know that the game got released in 2002, making it a really old game. However, reviews and scores prove it to be good (never seen a score lower than 9/10).
Maybe because it was rated with the standards of 2002, I found the game actually quite bad. It was not realistic at all. Cars were too light, they spun and flipped like crazy, bullets couldn't go through ANY car window at all, the main character NEVER talked at all (therefore I don't even know his name), falling from high places resulted in only less than 10 health lost, trees looked like they were there wasn't there at all (you could drive through a dense area of trees unblocked), bullet spread is unrealistic (100 shots at a point with an uzi resulted in all 100 shots hit). Sounds horrible right? Although that bullet spread thing might be a good thing for noobs. Totally way off the standards of Vice City and San Andreas.
When the main character never talks and interacts, the depth of the game naturally falls. The player doesn't feel as immersed into the game, and starts to feel bored. Other than all those faults, the gameplay is still the same as all the other GTA titles (maybe not San Andreas), with a big world to explore and many things to destroy and drive. Oh yes, there is also no helicopters to fly. I found a helicopter and I couldn't enter it. When I looked closely, there was no door at all. Theres a sky train system in this version of GTA though, although all you can do with it is enter it and just stand in there doing nothing (you can stand on the train too, but you might fly off at a turn).
Therefore pretty obviously, GTA: San Andreas is still the best GTA Title so far, with the highest amount of realistism. It has planes, helicopters, trains... everything. You can swim, eat, grow fat, exercise, gain muscle. The physics is good too, with things falling as they should instead of bringing a car to a crazy spin when it knocks a lamppost down like in GTA 3. I've also heard that GTA 4 is coming out next year. I look forward to a great time with it.
Grand Theft Auto 3 Trailer (even the trailer quality is bad) (1:00)
Graphics: 8
Sound: 7.5
Gameplay: 7
Lasting appeal: 6.8
Overall: 7.3
posted @ 11:18 am