I'm moving there. I feel that Blogger is not keeping up with the times, and that its functionality is very limited.
Updates stopped for this blog. Last post 20 August 2013.
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Heres a sweet music video featuring the song "I'm Too Sexy".
I'm Too Sexy LyricsI'm too sexy for my love too sexy for my love
Love's going to leave me
I'm too sexy for my shirt too sexy for my shirt
So sexy it hurts
And I'm too sexy for Milan too sexy for Milan
New York and Japan
And I'm too sexy for your party
Too sexy for your party
No way I'm disco dancing
I'm a model you know what I mean
And I do my little turn on the catwalk
Yeah on the catwalk on the catwalk yeah
I do my little turn on the catwalk
I'm too sexy for my car too sexy for my car
Too sexy by far
And I'm too sexy for my hat
Too sexy for my hat what do you think about that
I'm a model you know what I mean
And I do my little turn on the catwalk
Yeah on the catwalk on the catwalk yeah
I shake my little touche on the catwalk
I'm too sexy for my too sexy for my too sexy for my
'Cos I'm a model you know what I mean
And I do my little turn on the catwalk
Yeah on the catwalk on the catwalk yeah
I shake my little touche on the catwalk
I'm too sexy for my cat too sexy for my cat
Poor pussy poor pussy cat
I'm too sexy for my love too sexy for my love
Love's going to leave me
And I'm too sexy for this song
posted @ 3:16 pm
Monday, November 27, 2006
Warhammer 40000: Dawn of War Dark Crusade
This standalone expansion is created by the makes of Company of Heroes (or should I say Company of Heroes is created by the makers of the Warhammer 40000 series?), which includes 2 more races, Necrons and Tau, which brings the total to 7 races (Chaos, Imperial, Eldar, Blood Ravens, Orks, Necrons and Tau). Now that's a lot of races. In the beginning, there has been a lot of talk going on in the Dawn of War forums in Relic about how these two new races are imbalanced. This talk is now very minimal, as people have started to learn methods to counter these races, or have found the weak points of these races.
The campaign does not really involve a storyline, and all you have to do is to capture all 25 territories of the world of Kronous. You can start with any of the seven races, and the speech and story will be put in your perspective. What makes the campaign interesting is how your commander is able to earn wargear from battles, making him look different. The wargear is also able to give your commander damage boosts and special abilities. After collecting all the wargear, your commander will be able to go through a transformation, changing him into a crazy, powerful creature/person.
One problem with the campaign is that the AI is not aggressive enough, as they do not attack other territories often enough. Therefore, you hardly have to worry about defending your territories. If your territory happens to be attacked, all your previously built buildings you built when you captured the territory will remain, except those that come in the way of the enemy’s starting point.
The Dawn of War series always had a different way of gathering resources. Requisition points are earned by capturing strategic points, and energy is earned by building plasma generators. The more of these you have, the rate that you will earn the resources is increased.
This game doesn’t apply much rules based on flanking or taking cover, thus the person with more and stronger units will usually emerge the victor. However, units can take less damage when in some sort of a crater, and take more damage when in open shallow water.
I’ve said a bit about commanders previously. In a skirmish battle, there’ll be no wargear, but your commander possesses many different powerful abilities. If you’ve played Warcraft 3, commanders are the equivalent of heroes.
The graphics and animation in this game is great. Expect to see many detailed units with beautiful lasers and intimidating plasma shots. This game is also relatively gory, with bloody spraying everywhere. Stronger and bigger units like to finish off enemy units with style. For example, picking them up and throwing them aside, stomping on them, banging them on the ground, and many other cool moves.
If you haven’t played any of the Dawn of War games before, I suggest that you should. In my opinion, RTS games by Relic are the best after the RTS games by blizzard. Below is a screenshot of what the tactical map looks like.

(click for bigger image)
Graphics: 9.1
Sound: 9
Gameplay: 8
Lasting appeal: 8
Overall: 8.8
posted @ 10:50 am
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
The Battle for Middle-Earth 2
So I just got the game Battle for Middle-Earth 2 (BFME2). Its a pretty big game, about 5.1GB (I'm running out of space! I'm wondering if I should uninstall Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas since I've already completed the game, and also uninstall Need for Speed: Most Wanted because its the worst game in my computer now.). I'm pretty disappointed by the gameplay, as there is a lack of strategy and it gets rather repetitive. The variety of units is low, so basically you would use the same units over and over again to attack. There is no such thing as flanking or taking cover or anything, just the simple "the one with the most amount of powerful units win". For example, if you charge behind a battalion of pikemen with cavalry, their pikes will still kill you even though the pikes are not facing the cavalry at all. Frustrating huh? I have played a game about 4 years ago which actually has the concept of flanking, so this isn't very forgiveable. Because of the simplicity of the game, I completed the good campaign in just 2 days.
Archers are overpowered. Whenever I used the elven archers, I felt as if I was on a "god mode" cheat. This kills the fun of the game (everyone knows god mode makes the game pretty boring). Anyway, the graphics and sound saves the game. Whenever the fantastic Lord of the Rings soundtrack starts playing while in game, its just so beautiful.
I believe the races are imbalanced too. I went through the good campaign in a breeze, with not a single failure, all 1 try victories. When I started evil campaign, gosh was I pissed. Goblins get squished so easily and die so easily, even if you have more units then the enemy it doesn't guarantee a win. I've already been defeated twice already. I feel like giving up and start playing the skirmishes and use my own hero.
Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-Earth 2 Trailer (3:02)
Graphics: 9.5
Sound: 9
Gameplay: 6
Lasting appeal: 7
Overall: 6.9
I need a new graphics card soon, I can't seem to play games nowadays on the default settings. I have to lower it by 1 level before getting optimal performance. Meh, I need a new computer. 1.8 GHz is just too slow.
Anyway, Company of Heroes patch 1.3 is out! The worldbuilder is so confusing, unlike the one from Warcraft. Anyway, some maps from people prove pretty promising, with some interesting ideas. But I'll have to complete other games before playing these extra maps.
posted @ 9:49 am
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
As usual since I'm bored, I went to look for new games to play. Thus I came across this game called "SupaSupa". It sounds a little stupid, but the game is actually pretty fun. The makers call it a first-person shooter (FPS) game, but I insist on calling it a third-person shooter (TPS) mainly because you can see your whole self. A FPS is when you can only see your hands and what your hand is holding (usually a gun). If you have played KongKong Online, you'll find the graphics somewhat similar. The graphics are cute and colourful, and I have to say it doesn't look very bad. There are also two different game modes, player versus player (PvP) and monster killing.
Gameplay is simple and easy to learn, and the lag isn't much of a problem in this game. There are 5 different categories of weapons, melee, machine gun, sniper, rocket launcher and a special weapon. From these 5 different categories, there are many different kinds of weapons. However, being released just five days ago on 9 November, there aren't many maps to play on, which makes this game really repetitive. I'm pretty sure there'll be new maps coming up, so that shouldn't be a big problem.
SupaSupa Video (2:21)
Graphics: 7.5
Sound: 6
Gameplay: 7.6
Lasting appeal: 6
Overall: 6.5
Well, I've been blogging almost nothing except game and software reviews since the beginning of November, but if I don't, my blog is going to be really empty. Anyway, maybe one day someone from PC Gamer stumbles on my site and sees that I have talent, and maybe he'll hire me!
I also had a 1vs1 battle in Company of Heroes with Samuel yesterday. I used Allied and he used Axis. I owned him in 24 minutes. Victory in 24 minutes is really the amount of time I also take to defeat the computer of normal difficulty, so that's pretty sad. Basically when I breached his territory (it was the map where territories was divided by a river), I charged my tank up to his base. Only one territory was seized. He says he'll be back to trash me, but who knows.
Oh yes, the president of America, George W. Bush is coming to Singapore on Thursday. Some roads will be closed and diverted, and even the O and A-level examinations on that day will be pushed back by one hour. Hope I see him or his car, should be pretty cool.
Singapore also held her first card competition yesterday I think, and all the professionals have come to play Poker. Looks like we are slowly moving out of boredom and traditionalism.
posted @ 4:51 pm
Friday, November 10, 2006
After watching the trailer and hearing some people saying that it is similar to World of Warcraft (WoW), I decided to download the 1.13 GB file to try it out. Overall, its pretty fun and new, with good graphics and game play, with a very unique skill tree and 9 different classes to choose from, 3 classes for a race. There is also two non-PVP servers and one PVP server, so if you like having the risk of someone coming up to you and attacking you for no apparent reason, join the PVP server. A unique feature of the same is its pet function, where players can summon and use pets to either fight or travel. Being a Breeder allows the player to use this function to its full extent. However, it has a problem which all free MMORPG's have, which is too much grinding. (Now grinding is a term used to say that a player has to fight creatures again and again to gain levels, making it a repetitive process.) So, this will be my last time ever playing a free MMORPG game as I personally hate grinding. Grinding totally kills and spoils the fun of the game. Weapons and armour is very limited, armour changes only at level 1, 20 and 50, so everyone playing the same class will generally look the same from each other.
Rappelz Trailer (1:23)
Graphics: 7.9
Sound: 7.5
Gameplay: 7.8
Lasting appeal: 7
Overall: 7.5
posted @ 11:26 am
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
posted @ 9:55 pm
Friday, November 03, 2006
Firefox 2
Browsing through the net, I just realized that Firefox 2 and Internet Explorer 7 was released about two to three weeks ago. As usual, when theres a new update, I would want to get it.
I downloaded Firefox 2 and I have to say that I'm pretty pleased with it. Some button designs have changed, but not to drastically, retaining the familiarity of the previous versions of Firefox. Tabs now have a close button, making tabbed browsing even easier. Sometimes instead of opening a new window, a new tab is opened instead. Saves me the hassle by being able to press the middle mouse button to open a tab instead of a window. Overall, I have to say Firefox 2 has improved, while still retaining the familiarity so users won't have to worry about adapting to the new layout or design. Even right now the new Firefox 2 is working as I'm typing. Previous versions of Firefox needed me to click spell check to check for mistakes, but the new version actually underlines the spelling mistakes in red (just like in Microsoft Word) and I can actually right-click them to correct them.

(click for bigger image)
Internet Explorer 7
On the other hand, I have to say that the only good thing in the new Internet Explorer 7 is tabbed browsing, but not as good as Firefox's tabbed browsing. Microsoft gave Internet Explorer 7 a new look and interface, Which I personally dislike. The usual File, edit, menu is usually placed right at the top, but it takes the second row (you even have to enable that menu). Installation of Internet Explorer 7 is also a hassle, needing to download many updates during the installation and even requiring to restart the computer. Firefox only requires a quick and easy installation lasting at most, one minute. Sadly for people who are using pirated versions of Microsoft Windows, they will not be able to install this browser as the installation includes a validation of your Windows system to see if it is genuine. Maybe it will be possible to get round that.

(click for bigger image)
posted @ 7:46 pm
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Company of Heroes
Recently (27/10/06) I acquired the game, Company of Heroes. A World War II game made by Relic, it has to be the best Real Time Strategy (RTS) game made in years. Websites and reviewers have given it an average of 9.5/10. This game actually took my concentration off many other games, and I have only played this ever since.
This game takes place in the World War II period, and you will play as the Allied soldiers in the campaign. The campaign is based on the battles in Normandy, so you will play in many familiar places like Omaha Beach, Pointe du Hoc, Hill 400, and so on.
One huge difference from other RTS games is that this game doesn’t concentrate on the usual “the one with the most and best units win” style of playing. Many other factors can take place in this game. Infantry can take light cover, heavy cover, and garrison in buildings. Tanks have a concept such that its front armour is the strongest part of the tank, and the rear, the weakest. Therefore, the one who can position, control and flank the best should win.
Same as the Dawn of War games, resources aren’t gathered. There’ll be various points on the map, and capturing these points will earn you a steady income of either ammunition or fuel. Every point contributes to the income of manpower. Manpower is used to recruit all infantry and tanks, build buildings and many other things. Ammunition is usually used to purchase upgrades and call for artillery strikes, and fuel is used to get vehicles.
When you play as either Allied or Axis, you’ll be able to choose one of three different divisions to play as. The Allied has Infantry, Airborne, and Armour. Each will specialize in its task and you will be able to use different abilities specific to its division. The Axis has a Defensive Doctrine, a Terror Doctrine (lots of firepower), and a Blitzkreig Doctrine.
A great game with amazing graphics, the explosions from the V1 rocket and howitzer shoots will amaze you the first time you see it. The sound is superb and realistic, and the voice acting is really good. I review I read somewhere said, "the voice acting makes you feel sorry for the death of an unit". Even the sound of the turret moving on the tank can be heard. Units can actually take cover behind objects, something I haven't seen before.
However, the pathing for tanks is bad. Commanding a group of tanks at the same time can lead to a traffic jam, and getting into a battle while in a jam isn't a good thing. Sometimes you might also want the tank to reverse all the way back for safety reasons, but the tank doesn't. Tanks only drive on reverse when it is a short distance. So to achieve long distance reverses I have to keep clicking behind the tank. However I don't really like using tanks, as I'm not as talented in using them so that's not a big problem for me.
The number of skirmish maps are on the low side, but a Map Editor and even a Movie maker is going to be released soon (who knows what "soon" means). That will mean more maps and maybe even a custom made campaign. The artificial intelligence (AI) is a little crazy on skirmish battles, and some have even said that they cheat. Generally the AI can roll out tanks and expensive weaponry a lot faster than we can imagine. And of course, the AI can mircomanage a lot better (imagine a person with 5 mouse's, hands, monitors and keyboards) and can command many different troops simultaneously.
I’d like to say that this game is Call of Duty: The RTS
Now that I've completed the game, I have to start playing skirmish battles and wait for the map editor to be released. Once its released, my battles start again. =)

Company of Heroes Trailer (the quality is sweet) (1:25)
Graphics: 9.5
Sound: 9.5
Gameplay: 9
Lasting appeal: 8
Overall: 9.5
posted @ 2:03 pm