I'm moving there. I feel that Blogger is not keeping up with the times, and that its functionality is very limited.
Updates stopped for this blog. Last post 20 August 2013.
Thursday, October 26, 2006
So, its been a long time since I blogged, mainly due to lack of events. Anyway, its meet the parents today, and I got back my report book. Generally its pretty ok, pretty similar to my end of year results.

My form teacher, Mrs Wang, suggested that I read the Time magazine and stuff like that to broaden my knowledge, which will in turn improve my combined humanities grades. Times magazine? Oh my gosh. The amount of CCA points I actually have is really amazing. 17? To think I was actually aiming for a C6 (8 points I think) to get 1 point off my O-Levels. They added a lot of funny competitions here and there which I don't even remember participating in. Thank God for a good and big BB company, the JM Fraser award actually gives 3 points, and BB week actually gives 1 point, and 2 points for getting 3rd? Like, LOL?
So I've found a new game thanks to the dudes in Planet Rakion. Its called Infinity Online, and its an action game. It resembles Ninety Nine Nights, minus the hundreds of enemies to kill. It has many characters to play as, and each character has about 15 different skills to perform. There's mission mode, where you get to do a mission (duh), and there's usually about 20+ enemies to fight during the mission. Player versus player (PvP) mode is more skill-oriented and only a maximum of 8 people can fight at the same time, so its actually quite boring. Of course, which online game doesn't come with lag? Lag makes the PvP mode pretty screwed up, for example, you can get hit by air. Kind of scary.
I've also got Need for Speed: Most Wanted from Amos, currently on Blacklist number 9. It was really fun for the first 4 Blacklist members, and after that, the enjoyment died. The game is pretty repetitive, and nothing new comes into the game (except new cars). The storyline is boring and it doesn't make you want to continue to see what happens next, as its actually quite predictable (good guy wins and stuff like that).
Starforce. A CD copy protection software with a bad reputation. Its been known to slow down the computer and the CD drives. Apparently some game companies have stopped using it due to complaints from customers, and some customers have even started to boycott games which use Starforce. Starforce is actually the strongest CD protection software out there, which will make many companies want to use it. However its reputation has ruined its strength. A game I enjoy playing, Trackmania Nations, uses Starforce. However I've uninstalled it together with Starforce due to the reasons I've stated. I've played most of the good tracks already anyway, so no more Trackmania for me.
posted @ 3:38 pm
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
After 2 days of suffering in the hall and hurting our butts, this is what I got.
English - 65/100
Chinese - 52/100
E-Math - 78.5/100
A-Math - 75/100
Biology - 73.5/100
Chemistry - 66/100
Physics - 71.5/100
Combined Humanities - 48.5/100
L1R5 - 16
posted @ 4:48 pm
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Over the last weekend on Sunday I went to Vivo City. Wasn't as big as I expected. The space was mostly occupied by air and tiles, so basically the shopping centre just has wider corridors and bigger concourses. Generally it just takes about 1 or 2 minutes to walk from one end to the other. The number of shops is actually comparable to Suntec City. Ah well, nothing interesting.
South-East Asian countries supposed to transfer their service from Softnyx to Mobius on 15 October, but it was pending and now it has been transferred to 24 October. Hopefully the change will be for the better, not the worse. Rumours I have heard claimed that Mobius never updates Gameguard, and I hope that isn't true. If hackers start to dominate Rakion, I guess I'll have to quit it, or join the crowd.
Got back my Combined Humanities, Biology and Chinese test papers today. For Chinese, no surprise, 52/100. Always hovers around this mark. Not very happy about my Biology, I only got 73.5/100. I was hoping for an A1. Counting it together with my other terms, I'll most likely get a B3. Combined Humanities was bad. Only 31.8% passed Geography Elective, and well, I got 24.5/50 for it. Predicted that Social Studies will be bad, and I got 18/25. 42.5/100 for the subject in total. I hope I will be able to pass when its combined with my other terms.
posted @ 4:10 pm
Saturday, October 14, 2006
When I went out for lunch yesterday afternoon, my Mom was asking me what I wanted to eat. I replied with a monotonous "anything". This left me thinking, what on earth are we here for? Are we here to live a life of boredom? The food is limited, so really there is no choice on what we can eat. If we count what we have eaten in our whole life, I guess we'll all be pretty amazed at how many times we've eaten a particular dish.
It's not just the food. Our activities are never new. We basically do the same things over and over again, with nothing interesting coming into our lives. Were we put onto Earth to live a cycle? Wake up, eat, work, eat, work, eat, sleep. Wake up, eat... This is a typical life of 90% of all human beings. Of all those years that we live on Earth, how many days are memorable and interesting?
I'm just 15 and I'm already questioning to aspects of life. My own life is a cycle too. Monday to Friday, I wake up, eat, go to school for boring lessons, come home, eat, do homework, play, eat, then go to bed. Saturday, I wake up, eat, play, eat, go for tuition, eat, then go to bed. Sunday, I wake up, eat, go to church, eat, go for tuition, eat then go to bed. And then its Monday again. Eventful things only happen like 5 times a year or something like that.
We were put on Earth to live a cycle? I guess that's true for 90% of the Earth, and it is a really sad fact too.
posted @ 10:11 am
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Its Chinese Listening Comprehension today! Pretty easy, I should be able to get 18/20 marks. The last question seems to have 2 available answers, so I'm not very sure about that.
Anyway, I got a new tag-board as you can see. Should be much more reliable, and it looks nicer too. Kinda early now so nothing much has happened.
Went to Plaza Singapura for lunch. Nothing interesting happened. Boring. Came home at about 4:00 and started playing Worms Armageddon. I'm aiming to get Elite on Deathmatch and complete all missions. That will unlock quite a lot of stuff. Got bored after a while and I started playing Rakion. When I played the Tower of Luman stage, I found a glitch. It was possible to jump off the bridge and fall all the way under. Pretty cool view from there. Then, only possible with a blacksmith, I could spin my way up. I went under rooms, over rooms, and stood on statues. Its really cool. I took a screenshot from the view below, here it is.
(Click for bigger image)
posted @ 10:02 am
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Yeah man, its the last day of "need to study" exams. Its Biology and A-math paper 2 today. Biology was pretty good! I could answer 95% of all the questions, and I think I'd definitely get an A1 for Biology.
A-math was really hard. Lots of thinking questions, not just about applying formulas but you need to see how to do it and manipulate it. Anyway, I think I should be able to get an A1 for A-math too. Considering I lost about 10 marks for A-math paper 2, I'd get 30/40 which is still an A1.
Kind of sick of blogging about what happened for my exams already. I don't think I want to blog about Chinese Listening Comprehension tomorrow. What a waste of time tomorrow. Wake up so early just to go to school for one hour to listen to some Chinese stories. After that, exams are officially over and I have a long weekend, Friday to Monday.
Thinking about my L1R5, looks like I have to count solely on English, Humanities, Physics, A-Math, E-Math and Biology. My Chinese is hopeless and Chemistry is really hard. I just hope to be able to understand and do well in Chemistry one day.
Free to play, I'm gonna play from 1:30pm to 9pm now.
5:00pmPlayed DotA and Worms Armageddon with Samuel just now. For DotA, we played -wtf mode and I used Warlock and Samuel used Earthshaker. Well, I lost and looks like Earthshaker is really the best hero for -wtf mode. Ah well. Worms Armageddon was pretty fun, saw and did a lot of funny things. Kinda got boring after a while though.
Alright... the tag-board is down again. Thats it, I'm going to get a new tag-board.
posted @ 1:31 pm
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
So, its Chemistry and Chinese paper 2 today. Chemistry is crap, I officially hate it. It's so hard to understand the Chemistry concepts and stuff, and even after studying it and knowing all the facts, I just don't seem to be able to answer the questions right. I should still be able to get at least 60 though. Hoping for 70.
Chinese paper 2. Well, no difference from any other Chinese test I've had. Cloze passage, comprehensions, and more comprehensions. I started with my comprehensions first for this test, leaving the cloze passage for the last. Didn't have enough time to do the last 4 cloze passage questions and I answered all of them with the answer "3".
Ah, the last day of "need to study subjects" is tomorrow. Biology and A-math paper 2. Lots of things to study for Biology, but its all done. For A-math paper 2, its only 6 or 7 questions. I can predict about 4 of them, 1 trigonometry identity, 1 solving of cubic equations, 1 quadratic equation identity, and 1 trigonometric graph drawing. Should be fine.
Guess what? I looked and my tag-board and this is what it said "The connection was reset". Oh what the crap is wrong with the server. The song "Time to Say Goodbye" is cool, listen to it.
posted @ 5:14 pm
Monday, October 09, 2006
So, its E-math 1 and Physics today. E-math 1 didn't go very badly, in fact, it was quite good. I was able to do most of the stuff and I think I only lost at most, 15 marks.
Physics was bad though. Lots of weird questions, never before seen or heard of. One even wanted us to prove the liquid pressure formula, though its in the textbook, its not practical to learn how to prove it at all. Worst case scenario, I would lose at most 35 marks, which isn't good. Anyway, what's done is done.
Its Chinese paper 2 and Chemistry tomorrow. I hope I will be able to get at least an A2 for Chemistry, I studied quite a lot for Chemistry, memorized a lot of stuff.
Don't really care about Chinese anymore though, I'm just aiming for a pass. I mean, who would care about a certain subject after getting Cs for it for more than 6 years after trying really hard? Tuition or no tuition, study or don't study at all, the marks I get for Chinese is always 50-59. Who cares now.
The haze situation is getting worse here in Singapore. The PSI reading hit an all time high of 150 on Saturday night at 9pm. One thing good is that I can actually see the light rays coming out from the car, which is something one hardly ever gets to see in Singapore. Light rays are rare. Prayed about the haze on Saturday night and on Sunday, The PSI reading went back to about 30+. Wow. The Indonesian government really needs to do something about it anyway. Impose stricter rules or something, fine them, the government wants money don't they?
How nice, 2 more days and I'm free from this torture of exams. Free! Free to play all day long, right after coming home from school! No need to study and revise! Oh yeah, I just found out I spelt "adrenalin" wrongly. For us, its the British spelling and it doesn't have an "e". I spelt "adrenaline". Ah well, I hope the teachers will be lenient and accept it. On second thought, Miss Hia is too strict, she can even fail people due to bad handwriting.
posted @ 5:18 pm
Friday, October 06, 2006
Geography elective and A-math 1! Geography was pretty ok, I knew how to answer most of the stuff. Didn't know how to calculate gradient from a map though. I just tried the height difference divided by distance between the two points. Should be right I think. I'm beginning to hate humanities anyway, I write a page long of information and only half of it is correct.
A-math 1 went great! I knew how to do about 85% of the questions in there, and I think I'll definitely get an A1.
Another boring weekend coming up, most of it spent on tuition, which is not much help not. 3 hours of tuition to learn things which can be learnt in 1 hour. Physics and E-math 1 on Monday, hope physics won't be too tough, though I think I should be able to do pretty well. Pretty worried about E-math 1, won't be able to use calculators.
My gosh its hell hot in Singapore, feeling warm all over for the whole time I was in school.
posted @ 4:01 pm
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Today for our exams we sat in the classrooms. Laura was on my left and Eugene on my right. Hopefully Eugene won't make too much noises when he gets irritated.
English paper 2. Not too hard, but many 2 mark questions of which their answers seemed to be fit for a 1 mark question. Vocabulary section was fine, only didn't know how to answer 1 of them. Summary owned too. One passage was about how the growth of commercial agriculture is being stunted due to evil landlords and money-lenders. Adapted from some
geography book. My gosh I should have studied my geography for the English test.
Tomorrows geography elective and A-Math 1. Hope I can answer the questions for geography. A-math... hope they don't give too weird stuff.
Rakion owns!
posted @ 12:16 pm
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Today it was my E-Math paper 2 and Chinese paper 2. I remembered the order of tests wrongly and thought that it was the Chinese paper first. I got confused and had to ask Mr Glen Tan...
E-Math didn't go very well, I forgot to label my graphs and didn't know how to manipulate the equation. The trigonometry question was odd too. A smaller angle had a bigger angle value and the bigger angle had a smaller angle value, and I couldn't find the problem! It looked perfect without mistakes to me, but logic obviously proved it wrong!
For Chinese, they didn't allow the use of e-dictionaries. How stupid. Anyway, it didn't harm me much. I feel good about both the letter and composition, I think I wrote them pretty well.
Tomorrow's English paper 2. Hope I can understand it and be able to express the meanings of the words in the vocabulary section.
posted @ 7:17 pm
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Hi, its my first post, and its currently the exam period. Its Social Studies and English paper 1 today.
For English I planned to write an narrative essay, but they gave a really irritating and odd topic "grief". Oh man. I changed my mind and decided to write about my favourite past-time instead. Guess what was it? Computer gaming! That's obvious.
For Social Studies, the source-based question was pretty hard. Some US thing about being involved in the Vietnam War. The structured-essay... I couldn't seem to be able to write a essay that's long enough for 13 marks. I don't think I'm gonna do well for Social Studies. Ah well, I hate source-based questions, unpredictable and hard if you don't get the meaning.
Hmm, bad way to start off a blog.
posted @ 5:33 pm